Friday, February 12, 2010

Why It's Harder to Communicate With Your Own Animal Companion

Because you know your own animals so well, you may find that your logical mind gets in the way when you try to hear what they are saying to you. You may think that what you are hearing, thinking or feeling are actually coming from you instead of your own animal friend. You may struggle to sort through what you are getting and wonder what your own thoughts are versus those of your beloved animal. You may be able to confirm what you are getting by watching your animal and looking for clues in it's behavior.

It is easier to receive confirmation when you are talking with an animal that belongs to someone else. You just simply ask their human for validation or confirmation.

Here are a few tips to help you communicate with you own animal companions.

1) If you feel that your animal is trying to communicate with you, they are. Stop and take some quiet time to listen.
2) Whatever you get, believe that it is from your animal. If you do not accept that the information is from your animal you will begin to second guess yourself.
3) Ask your animal for confirmation if you are not sure what you received or ask them to send the information to you again. Often times, they will send you the information in a different way.
4) Trust, trust and trust. Trust the information you are receiving!

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